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What We Do

Principal Grants

Powered by the Women Leaders - passionate women with a shared commitment

Each September, the Women Leaders and SEF staff meet with the principals of the Special School District schools including the Juvenile Detention Center and Bridges Program. The principals share insights into their schools’ populations and present their proposed special projects. They seek the Women Leaders for assistance in bringing these projects to life.

For the 2024-2025 school year, $11,000 in funding was approved for the following projects:

See the 2023-2024 Principal Grants



  • Niki Tedoni* Southview School
    Niki Tedoni* Southview School

    Thanks to the generosity of the Women in Leaders Principals Grant we were able to purchase AMAZING neon t-shirts for all students and staff. To save on the cost, we ordered the t-shirts and decals and were able to use our own press to make the final product. Students in our SLC-Service Learning Center were able to assist in the process. Both the students and staff were so excited to receive their shirts. We passed them out before our End of the Year Glow Dance, and everyone was able to light up the room during the dance and throughout the day. We appreciate the continued support of the Women in Leaders Principals group!

From the Newsroom

Together, we can ensure that those who embody the Starfish Parable continue to receive the recognition and support they deserve.

These individuals exemplify what it means to make a difference, and we can’t wait to celebrate them with you on Thursday, June 12 at The Reverie in Chesterfield, MO.

We invite businesses, community leaders, and supporters like you to be a part of the Starfish Awards as a sponsor