Improving Independence & Increasing Social Skills
The Special Education Foundation is partnering with iSocial and establishing the Autism Independence Project. SEF's mission is to help students with disabilities served by the Special School District to improve independence by increasing social skills and expanding their meaningful life aspirations.
What is iSocial?
The iSocial Remote Group Therapy for Social Competence was developed by Dr. Janine Stichter and colleagues at the Thompson Center for Autism at the University of Missouri. Its mission is to radically improve the lives of people with autism so they can enjoy independent lives with meaningful employment and good friends. It is designed as a group telehealth therapy for children and adults to acquire essential life skills.

How it Works
Student Identification
- The needs and interests of middle to high school students are identified through educators and by parents. Eligible students will need internet access and are able to perform basic computer functions with verbal skills.
32 One-Hour Evening Sessions for 16 Weeks
- Conducted by licensed professionals, a group of 6 like-minded students learn together by actively participating in fun workshops involving role-play, contests and video discussions. These sessions are held in the evening, two days during each week for 16 weeks.
- Proven effective through eight university studies, students find it fun, inclusive, and results show increased communication skills and social motivation.
Increased Development Skills
- Recognition of facial expressions
- Sharing of ideas
- Turn taking in conversation
- Understanding of feelings and emotions
- Problem solving skills
If you know a student that might be a good fit to participate in this program, contact us at or call (314) 394-7030. For more information on iSocial, visit
From the Newsroom
Kindness, through thoughtful gestures can spark joy, inspire change, and create lasting impact
A device can detect atypical reactions to light in a child’s pupils, which research has shown to bean indicator of autism
Autism Independence project-demonstrating measurable success in improving communication skills, social motivation, and overall confidence
*~Mother of iSocial student
“My daughter LOVES these sessions! She finally feels like she’s around people that just get her."