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What We Do

Classroom Innovation Grants

Innovative teachers. Engaged students. Your support.

Teachers of children with disabilities have the best insight into methods that succeed in helping children learn. Often, funds are not available from regulated tax dollars to support enhanced projects, and teachers find themselves trying to purchase materials themselves or foregoing projects that are too costly. Special Education Foundation has stepped in since 2002 to help where tax dollars stop. Click here to apply.

Projects that are innovative and can be duplicated in additional venues are favored in the screening process. Books and equipment that should be available through public funds are not funded; neither is transportation or staff development. Teachers should report results the following year to the Foundation board of directors.

Check our applications page for deadlines to submit applications and Feedback Forms.  

Want to optimize your chances of being awarded a Classroom Innovation Grant? Read Helpful Hints for Applying and be a stand out to reviewers. 

For more information or for help with the online applications, please contact the Foundation at

See the list of 2024-2025 Grant Recipients here.
See the list of 2023-2024 Grant Recipients here.


From the Newsroom

Your unwavering support has fueled SEF's mission this year and positively impacted lives in countless ways.

These grants have enabled educators, those teaching children with disabilities, to implement innovative projects that have significantly enhanced the learning experience for their students.

Supported by SEF, the Smoothies for Wellness project aims to provide young adults in the program with valuable opportunities to develop and apply vocational, social, and healthy living skills.