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Adaptive & Assistive Equipment

Audiology & Vision

Filling in gaps in hearing and vision

Audiology & Vision

Special Education Foundation considers funding requests for specialized auditory and visual equipment for students with disabilities on an ongoing basis. These include:

  • eye glasses
  • hearing aids
  • hearing molds
  • alarm clocks for the hearing impaired

The aim of the Foundation is to enhance the education or the independence of students or to improve their quality of life through grants and private donations. Financial need is a key factor in the decision process. Applications may be submitted at any time, initiated by an SSD professional. Contact your SSD teacher for additional information and assistance.

The Special Education Foundation is able to provide specialized audiology devices and eye glasses to students aged 3-21 years of age who have a disability and are served by the Special School District (SSD).

SSD teachers begin the application process for a student to be considered for financial assistance. Financial need is a key factor in the decision process.

For more information, please contact the Foundation at

From the Newsroom

Your unwavering support has fueled SEF's mission this year and positively impacted lives in countless ways.

SEF's mission is to empower students with disabilities through our programs by providing them with the tools and opportunities they need to thrive.

SEF extends heartfelt gratitude to EACH AND EVERYONE who generously donated and purchased raffle tickets!