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2023 Principal Grants

For the 2023-2024 school year, $11,255 in funding was approved for the following projects:

  • $1,950 to Ackerman School for the Gentlemen of Distinction and Diamond Divas’ restaurant dining experience and practice
  • $2,000 to Northview High School for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports celebrations with ice cream and video game trucks and help for students to purchase yearbooks
  • $1,700 to Litzsinger School for Afriky Lolo’s drum and dance troupe, as well as student T-shirts for Spring state testing sessions
  • $1,205 to Neuwoehner High School for a weatherproof garden bench spring and production from the Black Rep Theater (funded through the Arts in the Classroom program)
  • $1,500 to Southview School for T-shirts to promote school spirit, a cooking kit, and everyday essentials (funded through the Critical Needs program)
  • $1,500 to the Juvenile Detention Center for graduation supplies, weekly Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports incentives, and for staff recognition 
  • $2,000 to the Bridges Program for a 2024 Field Day obstacle course, quarterly student incentives and staff appreciation, as well as graduation supplies