Thanks to the generous support from The Tilles Foundation, the Special Education Foundation can extend a helping hand to students, aged up to 21 with Adaptive and Assistive Equipment.
Specialized equipment, such as hearing aids, plays a crucial role for some students' educational journeys and becomes an integral part of their lives. As some students with disabilities face developmental, hearing and communication challenges, the financial burden of acquiring essential tools, such as augmentative communication devices, adaptive equipment, and adaptive computer equipment, can be overwhelming.
Through SEF’s Adaptive and Assistive Equipment program, we are empowered to ease this burden. By providing funding for the purchase of necessary equipment, we aim to ensure students with these needs continue to communicate effectively and manage their lives with the support they need while in school and for when they transition out.
One student recently received an adult stroller through the program.
“It has helped my daughter at school with transitions, “ stated the mother. “It’s helping us immensely and for when we take her out into community. We are extremely thankful and grateful to the Special Education Foundation. This has helped us family so much!”
Requests for specialized equipment and other needs for students with disabilities are accepted year-round and initiated by their students’ SSD teacher. These requests include:
- augmentative communication devices
- adaptive equipment
- hearing aids
- eyeglasses
For more program information and to apply for SEF’s Adaptive and Assistive Equipment, visit our website.